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This page contains sources for Supras’ “Profile”.

See also the “Profile” pages on Background and Synergies. Cf. also the “Services” page on Sources.

  1. Borrini-Feyerabend, Grazia, ed. 1997. Beyond fences: Seeking social sustainability in conservation. 2 vols. Gland, Switzerland: International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
  2. Mozammel, Masud and Barbara Zatlokal. 2002. “Strategic communication in PRSP.” Draft. Washington DC, United States: World Bank. [access]
  3. Soeftestad, Lars T. 1997. “Property rights and environmental and social sustainability.” Presentation at the annual meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, 4-9 March 1997, Seattle, Washington, United States.
  4. Soeftestad, Lars T. 1999a. “Social, cultural and institutional aspects of sustainability: general review and the World Bank experience.” Technical Background prepared for the “Australian-FAO Technical Consultation on Sustainability Indicators in Marine Capture Fisheries,” 18-22 January 1999, Sydney, Australia.
  5. Soeftestad, Lars T. 2005. “Social assessment.” Yemen Rainfed Agriculture and Livestock Project. Washington DC, United States: World Bank.
  6. World Bank. n.d. Social analysis sourcebook. Washington DC, United States: World Bank. [access]
  7. World Bank. 1995. The task manager’s handbook. Washington DC, United States: World Bank.
  8. World Bank. 1996. The World Bank participation sourcebook. Washington DC, United States: World Bank. [access]
  9. World Bank. 2003. A user’s guide to poverty and social impact analysis. Washington DC, United States: Poverty Reduction Group and Social Development Dept., World Bank. [access]
  10. World Bank. 2005. Social analysis guidelines in natural resource management. Incorporating social dimensions into Bank-supported projects. Washington DC, United States: World Bank. [access]